Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Sister's Big Day

On May 3rd, 2012, my sister Stephanie was sealed in the Salt Lake Temple to the love of her life, Shaun Marsh.

We left home, a bit worried that we would make it to the ceremony on time, as there was a major accident on the freeway on the route we were planning to take.  However, we were able to take an alternate route that got us to our destination surprisingly quick.

This day was a completely new experience for me for several reasons.  First, I had never stepped foot inside of the Salt Lake Temple, and was immediately impressed with the historic and sacred building.  Second, although I had previously attended a sealing ceremony in which an adopted child was sealed to his parents, I had never attended a temple marriage.

It was such an incredible experience.  My dad's cousin, Ken Brailsford, who recently returned from being a mission president, was able to perform the ceremony, and did a fantastic job.  I am very impressed with how he performed and don't think anyone could have done a better job.

Although the day was incredibly long, with several hours of watching the photographer take picture after picture, followed by the reception that night, it was so wonderful to see a couple that was so utterly in love one with another, and to be witness to the happiness that they were experiencing and would continue to experience.

I am so proud of my sister.  I find myself being incredibly jealous of Shaun, because he was able to find such a wonderful young woman to be his wife.  Steph has always been an example to me and, although she is my younger sister, I have always looked up to her throughout my entire life.  She is such a wonderful and caring person, and Shaun is lucky to be her eternal companion.

I am also very happy that Steph was able to find such a great person like Shaun.  Although it has been a somewhat short time since I first met him, I feel like we are best friends, and have no doubt in my mind that he will treat Steph like a princess and be the best husband that he can be to her.  He is a great guy and is also a great example for me.

As I continue in my life, I only hope that I can find someone to become my wife and eternal companion who will make me as happy as these two are, and that I will be able to return the favor in full.

My Facebook album for the wedding day with additional photos can be viewed here.

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