Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Time for Giving Thanks

I attended church today knowing, as this is the last Sunday before Thanksgiving, that I would be hearing several talks all bearing the subject of gratitude and giving thanks.  What I didn't know, however, was how much this would affect me and cause me to turn my mind inward on all of the reasons that I have for which to be thankful.

This past year has been one unlike any other for me, with so many changes in my life and so many experiences, both great and difficult.  That is why I am going to dedicate this blog post to try to put into words my gratitude for the wonderful blessings I have in my life.

My incredible wife Whitney
One year ago, I was engaged to be married to the most amazing, beautiful, incredible woman I had ever met.  I am pleased to say that, even after being married for 10 months now that I have a better marriage than I could ever have hoped for.

Whitney is the most loving individual that I know.  She truly understands me and blesses my life every second that I am with her.  She has given my life new meaning and has loved me more than I ever thought I could be loved.

Growing up, I always dreamed of having a wife that loved me as much as I loved her.  However, I never really thought that this would be the case.  As hard as I tried to envision it, I always saw myself in a relationship with someone who didn't reciprocate, or never put as much effort into the relationship as I did.  However, I was beyond blessed to find Whitney...or rather, for her to find me.

I can honestly say that Whitney is my biggest fan.  She supports me in everything that I do, and truly makes me feel like I matter.  I enjoy my time with her more than anything else, and can't begin to express how happy I am that we get to be together forever.

Becoming a dad
Whitney is now 22 weeks pregnant with our baby boy.  This is the most exciting, yet terrifying event I've experienced.  But I am really looking forward to being a dad.  I've been hit again and again with glimpses into the future; whenever I get to feel the baby kick, whenever I see a little boy staggering up and down the floor at church or in grocery stores, and especially when I spend time with my nephews.

While I know it's going to be hard in a lot of ways, I couldn't be more excited for the day when I get to hold him in my arms for the very first time, and I'm really looking forward to every moment I get to spend with him throughout the rest of my life.

My wonderful family
I have been incredibly blessed to have been born into an amazing family who loves me and has done everything they can to bring me up right and to be there for me in my time of need.  My parents are so great.  I have a mom who is always willing to give a listening ear and who is always there for me when  I need her.  I can't even begin to count the number of times I've had a heart-to-heart with her while growing up after having a difficult or stressful day.  She is also such a wonderful mother-in-law to Whitney, and that has been a huge blessing in both our lives.

My dad has also been there for me throughout my entire life and has always been willing to help me with anything.  Whenever I need help, he is there and ready to give 100%.  He has been an incredible example to me of service and generosity, and he has helped me to become the man that I am today through all of his life-lessons, whether they were intentional or unintentional.

I am also very lucky to have two siblings that are also my best friends.  I feel like we broke the mold (at least to some degree) when it comes to the stereotype of sibling rivalry.  Rather than fight, we played with each other and did everything with each other.  Even today, I believe that we really respect and love each other and continue to teach each other every time we're together.  I'm also grateful to have a great new brother-in-law who I love just as much.

When I married Whitney, I also inherited some incredible in-laws.  I have a mother- and father-in-law who I love very much and who have been great examples to me.  They have really welcomed me into their family with open arms, as have my brothers- and sisters-in-law, and I have been so grateful to have them all in my life.  It is also so wonderful to finally be an uncle, and to 3 nephews and 5 nieces!

My job
Sometimes with how stressful my job can be, I forget to consider it a blessing.  But in reality, I am so grateful for the job that I have and how much it has helped me in my life.  I work at a company that is on the cutting edge of technology, which is exactly where I've wanted to be.  I work in a great atmosphere doing what I love, and with great people.  I have an income that allows me to provide for my family, as well as unbelievably good benefits.  It is also so breathtaking to work somewhere where I feel like I can truly grow and expand my knowledge and skill set, and where I feel like I can continue for years to come.

Yep, even as mischievous as he can be, I'm very grateful for the little wiener dog.  He has been such a fun addition to our home, and is such a lovable little creature.  He always makes us laugh with his funny antics and, even though he's still just a puppy who makes mistakes, he is getting better with his training every day, whether it is to ring the bell by the door to go potty or to stay out of the kitchen while we're cooking or eating.  He is also very in tune with our emotions.  If someone is upset or emotional, he will trot over immediately to provide whatever comfort he can.  He is truly a good dog, and I am happy that we have him.

I could easily go on and on, and end up turning this blog post into a novel.  But I am just so thankful for everything--and everyone--I have in my life, and for all of the support that have been given from everyone around me.  I'm challenging myself to be more aware of these blessings and gifts throughout this next week and do my best to remember that this week isn't about the turkey or about the Christmas shopping, but about expressing gratitude for everything we have.